About us :
Initially our profession was to teach and to cook.
We lived in different countries, England, France, Russia, Brazil. In South America we had apartments that we let to holidaymakers. Progressively and by chance we were often asked by friends and clients to take care of their house and pets when they had to go away. For example, some friends told us that it was more and more complicated to travel with dogs because of airlines and hotels limitations, ever-increasing. So, one thing leading to another we decided to rent out our properties and to specialise and dedicate ourselves to this occupation. Of course, we felt that we were fit to do it and that we would like it. In our life we have been lucky to own some pretty places that we have decorated nicely and have kept in pristine condition. We want to apply to others’ properties the same tidiness and neatness that we do to our own home. We also love pets, we’ ve had dogs and cats and tropical fish, unfortunately we don’t have any now but it is the opportunity to take care of our friends’ animals instead. We also love plants and gardens and maybe we could claim to have green fingers.
We love to travel and house sitting is the chance to know famous places but also places that you wouldn’t have thought of …
Finally, we have focused our attention on gay people because we know by experience that gay and LGBT people feel more comfortable to leave what is very precious to them in the hands of other gay people. Our first concern is to respect people’s private life and secrecy.
You can join us by the contact page or directly on our phone :
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00 55 85 99 28 84 41 41 (whatsapp compatible)